Wine’s F-word
Bringing Foxy Back
What if everything you ever heard about foxy wine is a lie?
Wine’s F-word is the word "Foxy," and I have been on a journey over the last few years to discover the truth about this word. It has been a surprising and surprisingly impactful journey because it turns out that this word is tied up with almost everything that is currently and perennially relevant to the wine industry because it has to do with deeply held prejudice. And that’s why I believe it’s important to understand what’s going on with this wine term. I don’t know of any journey that is more important than freeing ourselves of prejudice. Liberating our minds from the tyranny of misinformation and our own psychological hang-ups may be, I think, the only way that we will be able to adapt, evolve, and survive on a planet that is wired with a nuclear self-destruct button that has been entrusted to the care of chest beating apes.
In other words, Free your mind, and life will follow.
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Some links for research:
The red-white wine tasting test:
A History of Wine In America, Thomas Pinney 1989
“foxy” study
genetic basis of grape wine aroma